Gunnar Energy Services is a trusted solutions provider to some of the most recognized names in the energy sector, with experience in successfully executing a broad array of downhole operations - both common and complex.
Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
- Conventional: global, onshore, offshore shelf platform, inland barge, deep water floating platform, ship or semi-submersible
- Unconventional: shale, tight gas sandstones, heavy oil and coalbed methane/coal seam gas (CBM/CSG).
Oil & Gas Exploration
& Production
& Production

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal Directional Drilling
- Civil engineering projects such as river crossing navigation, industrial utility drilling, construction drilling and surveying
Geothermal Energy
- Complex applications; often hard, corrosive formations, high pressures and high temperature

Mining & Construction

Mining & Construction
- Coal seam gas drainage, freeze-wall drilling projects, solution mining